Monday, March 22, 2010

Createability Team Member of the Week

March marked the beginning of a new series on the blog. The Createability Team Member of the Week. It is located on its own page with that title.
The page is changed each week. Previous features are saved on a word document. If you would like a copy, just let me know.

Here is a list of team members who have been featured
  •  hippiescreations
  • sierrapelonacrochet
  • crochetbymsa
  •  ajbcreations
Current feature is DebSparkles

Monday, March 1, 2010

Createability Team Forum Threads on

The Createability Team is a group of Etsy sellers with disabilities or who are caregivers to disabled people. The team exists to provide support and advice to each other, as well as opportunities to chat and promote! Our forum threads change every month. Thanks to our team leader,

Find us all by searching for the team tag "Createability Team"

More information about the team here:

our blog, maintained by

Flickr group:

To join the team, please contact ME at

old thread was here, if you need to catch up!
our new promo thread: